
Wow! So much has happened in this last few weeks...even more so the last few days!

I am alive and praising the Lord! I thank you all for your calls and well wishes. I hope this answers the questions some of you all have asked me! As most of you know I had to have a heart cath last week and while the results of that were negative, about 5 days later I experienced what is called a Pseudoaneurysm of the Femoral Artery and a larger sized blood clot in my right leg. A procedure was done to repair the aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm...and well I am on blood thinners and other meds for a bit to take care of the clot. I will need to go to the clinic twice a day to receive injections and will be going back for an ultrasound of the clot next tuesday to see what has gone on with it in the meantime. They are suggesting a second procedure at that time to go in an try to remove the clot and install a "filter' in the artery below the lungs to prevent the blood clot from going into the lung. I thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and will keep you all posted, Please continue to remember my family in your prayers! Love and Prayers to you all!
I have a couple of projects that I need to tweak that I was using for my post with Just a Few Friends. I had every intention of posting it on Monday night but this was the night I had to have emergency surgery. So I will put the finishing touches on and take my pictures and post as soon as I possibly can! Thank you all for your patience and understanding!


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