Pink Mini for my sister Sandy with Pics!

This is a pink mini album I created for my sister Sandy, I posted previously without pictures but since I have given her this mini as a gift I can now post with the pictures included. Once again, it is a tribute to her strength and courage as a Breast Cancer Survivor. She once told me when she was first diagnosed that "Pink makes her feel good!" That is why I chose this as the title for the mini album. Hope you enjoy this glimpse into her life. The rest is still unwritten!

Her Baby Pics!

Sandy when she started first grade.
The youngest five kids...Robert in the back, Me, Sandy, Roger and Rick..with our pony snowball.

Me, Donna and Sandy...3, 4 and 13
Sandy, senor pic and in May 1982

Sandy, age 5 sitting on Sam our family horse

Sandy with Roger Lemaster and Rev Bob Cassity at her baptisim

Sandy and mom at her wedding Christmas 1980...i think...

Dad walking her down the isle!

Sandy early 80's after her divorce

Sandy and Robbie!

Sandy and Robbie...inseparable!

I love these pictures of them...pj's kids!

Always makes me smile!!

Proud momma!

Time seems to fly by!

Ever Faster still!

Her Pink Journey!
The pocket holds 8 or 9 pictures with a place on the back of each for journaling. She says "Pink still makes her feel I put that on the outside of the pocket!

Doing Chemo!

Bald is truly Beautiful!!! I told her I would shave my head with her but she wouldn't let me! To tell you the truth I was kinda relieved but kinda disappointed...I have always wanted to shave my head just to see what it would be like...but never had the nerve!

Silver Lining, lemonade out of lemons...whatever...she took it as an opportunity to accessorize!! Brunette, Red Head!

But the Blonde has it! Mikel and I searched all over Lexington and then settled on the internet to find her this Rachel Welch wig that was so close to her natural hairstyle...and had it shipped to mom's house so she could get it quicker...she drove over in the snow when the delivery man showed up!

Chemo zapped her heart but she is still smiling...kinda! This was a tough time! We were told she would have to have a heart transplant eventually but Dr Rhodes was optimistic! We learned a new meaning for the word HOPE that day!
Sandy with motivational speaker and fellow Breast cancer survivor Christine Gifford...I think I got her name right....

This is a block from a quilt I made for Sandy in Christmas 2004! Pink ribbon of course!

A new beginning! Sandy and her son Robbie Reeves at our nephews wedding...Adam and Kelly Crow.


  1. Had to come from scrap beach and see your mini...WOW! You did a great job! I can't believe how much you fit into your mini :)
    This is the most precious gift you could ever give to your sister, I bet she loves it!


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