Sorry I haven't posted in a while!

I am so sorry I have been Missing in Action this last week! I am still doing my giveaway and am counting down till Midnight March 2!!!

Just as an update: As some of you know I was injured some time ago in the shoulder and have been trying to get it to heal up with no luck. A torn rotator cuff can and is very difficult to deal with. I have actually been off work now for 6 months and am having some pretty extreme pain. I hate to take pain meds so I have been trying to fight that as well and for the most part crafting and scrapbooking has made it easier to keep my mind off of it. Of course, my sister giving me her personal cricut machine when she got an Expression makes it so much easier than using punches!

I had to have an MRI and some other things lately and will find out next week what my next step is...unfortunately that might include surgery but whatever it takes to fix it so I can get back to my job and my life as I knew it...for now I am kinda in limbo!

My husband and I are still trying to figure out how to set up a way for people to purchase individual or singles of my flowers and butterflies so just hang in there with me and I will get it going sometime soon.

Thanks a bunch and I do appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received!


  1. Heya Suzie, I am so sorry that your shoulder is still giving you so much pain :(. I hope you recover from this soon. I have missed you and I am glad to see you back. I am thinking of you lovely lady!! Hugs Kimi xx


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