Chemo Caps!!!???

I need a little bit of input from you ladies...while sitting in the waiting room with my sister Sandy, I was approached by one of the nurses and intake coordinators to see if I would be interested in making crocheted "chemo" caps for them to put in their new shop attached to the hospital. I told them that I had made caps or hats before but not specifically for chemo patients but that I would definitely be interested in trying. This is what I came up with...and I would like for you all to tell me what you think. I have other colors in mind and am working on getting a very soft lightweight cotton yarn to work with due to the sensitive skin of most chemotherapy patients. SSSSOOOOOO....What do you all think so far?


  1. Sue, these are so lovely! :) hope sandy is doing well-thinking of you all at this time... X

  2. Oh Suzie...What a fabulous idea and opportunity to help. I love them, your designs are awesome!!! Now I wish I had paid attention when my Mama' wanted to teach me to crochet! Go for it!!

  3. I absoultely love them ! You did a great job.. and i like the style... they dont just sit right on Top of the head ... like a beanie... they hug all of it.. hope that makes good luck with them.

    Nothin but Love


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